Dear Friends,

Next Sunday, June 9th, at 2 pm, in compliance with the Statutes of our Club, we will hold our General Meeting of Members where the Board of Directors will make a comprehensive presentation of our Club including the past, present and future.

It is important to understand that all of us, the 873 current members, those who have been members for 57 years and those who have been members for a month, are the owners of this Club and therefore it is everyone’s responsibility to attend the General Meeting of Members and participate in the future of our Club.

It’s amazing the support our Club receives on a daily basis from its members. We are fortunate to have Sonia Diez, who dedicates numerous hours a week supporting the administration of our Club. We also have the support of Ignacio Iglesias, who dedicates many hours to coordinating the maintenance our club. They give us their time and often with financial contributions. Many thanks to both of you for your contributions, but even more so, for the example you have shown.

Over the years, many members have contributed their time, sweat and money to build and maintain our Club that we enjoy today. That love and dedication of so many members are something we should all emulate so that we all, together, can preserve our Club for future generations.

Today I invite you all to be part of the solution to our problems. That instead of just criticizing, turn those into constructive criticism. It is important that we all support the activities offered by our Club. I can assure you that the more you give of yourself to our Club, the more you will receive.

I invite you all to come and enjoy our Club and help us continue to maintain the Club that our founders created 57 years ago and we have the duty to preserve for the benefit of all.

Kind regards

Rene Rodriguez, MD


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